stabble - Solana’s first frictionless liquidity and trading layer.

<aside> 👋 Hi there! Join our mission to be the first protocol that eliminates financial losses for all DeFi users by reducing price impacts and impermanent loss to nearly zero.


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😡 Which problem does stabble solve?

DEXs have architectural design flaws that lead to high impermanent loss risks, low APY for liquidity providers, and high price impacts for traders. This affects almost every DeFi user as 43% of Uniswap's TVL is exposed to impermanent loss and the price impact for a $20k trade in a $600k TVL pool on Orca is 5%. A problem no one is aware of: Inefficiencies lead to arbitrage opportunities that create an annualized TVL loss of 27.8% in DEXs.

💡 How stable’s next gen. liquidity and trading layer solves this: